Life will teach you all that it isn’t easy to conciliate your professional and your personal way of living… Normally when you start being successful in one, you start having problems on the other… With time you learn to deal with it and try to get compromises on both parts but you easily lose control due to the circumstances and you spend most of your free time remediating and negotiating your peace of mind… When you get to a certain age, you no longer want to reach the "top of the world" and you’re able to trace your own path, to fulfil mix targets (personal and professional).
Then you start looking for placing yourself in life, in order to maximize either your "working time" and either your “free time”. For that you need all your experience and “business feeling”… At that stage, the difficulty is choosing correctly the business area and the personal relationships than enable you to “stay in business”, having the “business control” but enabling you to have 1/3 of your working time free…
That’s my goal now at 45 years old…
This is briefly the overview of my professional and personal path life… Alex